
  • Friday, March 07, 2025 at 12:30 PM

    Introduction to Federal Practice Program and Admission Ceremony 2025


    The Federal Bar Association Maryland Chapter’s Annual




    March 7, 2025

    12:30 to 4:30 p.m.

    (followed by reception 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.)

    United States Courthouse

    6500 Cherrywood Lane, Courtroom 4C

    Greenbelt, Maryland 20770

    The Maryland Chapter of the Federal Bar Association is sponsoring a program for practitioners in Maryland’s Federal District Court and/or for attorneys who want to be admitted to the Court.  The CLE program will cover topics that include:

    • Introduction to the Courthouses and Lawyer Resources
    • Highlights of Local Rules and Standing Orders
    • Discovery and Discovery Disputes
    • Mediation
    • Motions Practice

    The program will feature judges from the federal bench, as well as attorneys who regularly practice in the U.S. District Court.  It also will include remarks and tips from the Clerk’s Office of the United States District Court for the District of Maryland, and a presentation by Catherine “Katie” Curran O’Malley, Executive Director of the Women’s Law Center of Maryland, about opportunities to provide assistance to victims of domestic violence.

    CLE Registration

    The program will be held in Courtroom 4C in the United States District Court in Greenbelt and will start promptly at 12:30 p.m., with registration beginning at 12:00 p.m.  The program will be followed by a reception.

    An RSVP is required, but the CLE program is offered free of charge.  Please RSVP below.

    Attorney Admissions

    Attorneys who want to be admitted to the U.S. District Court must apply for admission and pay the $200 admission fee electronically through the Court’s website at

    Applicants must have a sponsor complete and sign the sponsor portion of the application, but sponsors need not attend the ceremony.  Admission applications for the March 7, 2025 ceremony must be filed online by February 26, 2025.  Applicants will be directed to register to attend the March 7th ceremony once their applications have been approved, but they must separately RSVP for the CLE program.  The admissions ceremony will follow the CLE program and is scheduled for approximately 4:30 p.m.  Admittees are welcome to have guests attend the ceremony.  A reception will follow.

  • Friday, March 28, 2025 at 11:59 PM

    2025 High School Essay Contest

    Maryland Chapter of the Federal Bar Association

    2025 Short Essay Contest for Maryland High School Students

    Entries Due by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on March 28, 2025

    Official Rules

    2025 Essay Topic

    The 2025 Maryland Chapter of the Federal Bar Association is now accepting entries.  This year’s essay topic is: “Discuss whether schools should have the right to censor or punish students for posts or comments on social media.”

    Who May Enter

    The contest is open to high school students enrolled in public, private, parochial and charter schools and home-schooled students of equivalent grade status (grades 9-12) in Maryland.

    Essay Length and Format

    Essays must be a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 750 words, not including title and contact information.  While not required, proper use of endnote citations and bibliographies is encouraged.  If used, endnote citations and bibliographies will not be included in the word count or considered in judging.  Essays must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document or PDF file.  The following formatting guidelines are required:

    • Use 12 pt. Cambria or Times New Roman font, double-spaced text, with one-inch margins
    • DO NOT include a title page, page headers, or footers
    • Include your name, address, telephone number, high school, and grade on the first page only
    • Include page numbers on each page
    • If used, place all in-text, numbered citations at the end of your essay as endnotes, followed by a bibliography
    • Name your file as follows: Firstname Lastname.ext (example: John Smith.doc; John Smith.pdf)

    Entry Submission and Deadline

    Essays must be submitted online at [email protected].  Entries will be accepted through 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on March 28, 2025.  Late submissions will not be considered.  Winners will be notified no later than May 16, 2025.


    A judging committee comprised of federal judges and FBA board members will decide on the top three essays submitted.  Each student is limited to one (1) essay submission.

    Essays will be evaluated based on the following criterion: originality (30%); language arts skills (30%); faithfulness to the theme (30%); and clarity (10%). 


    The first-place winner will have their essay published on the FBA MD website and in the FBA MD newsletter.  Cash prizes will also be awarded as follows:

    First place: $1,000; Second place: $500; Third place: $250

    Publication Release

    As a condition of entry acceptance, all publishing rights are retained by the Maryland Chapter of the Federal Bar Association and the association reserves the right to copyright material in its name and to reprint it in any publication or media as it sees fit.


    Adherence to all U.S. copyright laws and fair use practices is required.


    Reasons for disqualification include: incomplete or improperly formatted entries, off-topic essays, providing false information, committing plagiarism, not meeting the submission deadline, and not providing a release form if requested.  Evaluators must recuse themselves from any entry that would present a potential conflict of interest (i.e., submissions from a friend or family member).

  • Friday, April 11, 2025 at 12:00 PM · $85.00 USD

    2025 FBA Maryland Luncheon

    Please register below for individual tickets to the 2025 FBA Maryland Chapter's Annual Luncheon.  Reception begins at 12:00 p.m. Luncheon will begin promptly at 12:45 p.m. The lunch options are:

    • Honey Thyme Glazed Breast of Chicken Summer Squash | Farro | Heirloom Carrots (V)
    • Roasted Salmon Pommery Mustard Sauce (GF) (V)| Everything Bagel Spiced Asparagus | Buttered Whipped Potatoes (GF)
    • Balsamic Cauliflower Steak & Roasted Root Vegetables | Almonds | Jasmine Rice
    • Kosher meal

    All meals include salad and dessert.

    For organizations wishing to reserve full tables, please register separately using this link: Table Reservations (Group RSVPs)

    Should you have a special request or require an accommodation, please email [email protected]